An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Thames Valley Chorus without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Thames Valley Chorus are listed below...
What a fabulous experience to be back on stage at the British Association of Barbershop Singers' Convention for hte first time in 3 years. We all had a wonderful time on and off the stage. Harrogate even arranged for the sun to shine for us!
Added to that we maintained our ranking at 6th place in the Chorus competition, and introdued 2 of our newer members to the nervous tension and delight of singing at Convention.
Massive congratulations to ALL of the Quartets, Men's Choruses and Mixed Choruses that made the weekend so special. We love you all!