Barbershopper of the Year

 Barbershopper of the Year
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Phil Paine
Status: Archived
Date Posted: Wed, 9 Nov 2022
The Thames Valley Chorus 'Barbershopper of the Year' award is given annually to the chorus member who has been recognised in a secret ballot by all chorus members as the person who has contributed most to the chorus over the past 12 months. This years vote went in favour of Ian Dent. This was a hugely popular outcome and richly deserved as Ian is widely acknowledged as contributing hugely to the success of TVC in so many ways.  Ian is the TVC Website webmaster creating much of the content (but not this!) and carrying out day to day maintenance. He is also the chorus all-round IT guru and if there is an issue that requires some form of IT input or solution, then Ian is your man. Ian also collates, edits and issues our weekly Newsletter which is emailed every Friday evening to chorus members.  On top of that Ian also finds time to lead the Tenor section, which is worth an award in itself.  Finally, Ian is one of the principal keyholder's for our rehearsal venue, locking up and setting the alarm after rehearsal.
The photograph above shows Ian (left) being presented with the trophy by Club Chairman, Peter Leverett.